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#puberty, #sex
If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.
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Ive been having discharge since I was 8 and now Im almost 11 and I havent got my period should I be...
What is this sticky white stuff in my underwear?
Hi this is amelia again my friends told me today that their is kissing at the disco I'm 11 the d...
Some of the girls in my class who are really thin were complaining about how fat they were, and it ...
Whats my bra size? Upper - 83cm, Middle - 86cm, Lower - 74cm
Hi Vicki! Before I ask my question I just want to say thank you for all the help youve given me o...
hi Vicki, me and my boyfriend are both 17 and sexually active together, I take desogestrel and we u...
My first period was on august 7th 2024 when i was 13, then my second on December 23th 2024 when i w...
what happens to males when they are sexually aroused apart from erections?