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ANSWERED questions


3/25/2025 8:49:39 AM

I am the tallest of my friendship group but the last to get my period, we are all 14 do you think my mum should take me to the doctors, what could be wrong!! Emily-kaye

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3/25/2025 8:48:56 AM

what time of day do periods usually come at?

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A period can arrive anytime of day or night, when you are out and about or when sleeping, they are pretty unpredictable, so it's always a great idea to keep some pads or liners with you at all times. Our Becoming A Teen Starter kit is ideal.


3/25/2025 8:48:44 AM

can periods sometime come before other things like breasts and hair down there?

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3/25/2025 8:48:22 AM

vicki how many days for a period is normal, pls

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3/25/2025 4:52:57 AM

Hi Vicki i think I have a sti will it go away by itself thanks Evan

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3/24/2025 3:28:55 PM

I shave down there each week when I do under my arms but could you tell me what is a good cream to put on there after shaving down there as I put his after shave on and swore a lot as it really hurt and went very pink for ages. Laura. x

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3/24/2025 1:03:36 PM

When you have a crush or a girlfriend at your teenage level and she is not with you what will be going through your mind

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3/23/2025 8:27:55 PM

how can I tell if I'm going to have another growth spurt? I'm 14 and I'm pretty short but I haven't grown in ages and neither have my boobs.

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3/22/2025 7:42:36 PM

Vicki I am so bloated right now and I am getting these little feeling like scratches in my Lower belly I had abit of a head ache and when I touched my lower belly it was sore sometimes when this happens its just gas but is this a sighn of my period also I have been getting the little scratch feelings all week

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3/22/2025 5:32:01 PM

Hi I am 10 years old I am pretty sure that I am having puberty.I have moved school and you have to get changed in front of everyone but I dont want to because none of them have had puberty yet (I am in year 5) what do I do anymore?Please help help.

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