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If you feel ready to move on from the Lil-Lets teens tampon range, why not try our Lil-Lets SmartFit™ Applicator tampons.
Whilst other tampons expand lengthways, Lil-Lets SmartFit™ applicator tampons expand all the way round for great comfort, fit and protection.
Sanitary pads also known as towels are perfect for when you first start your period.
Lil-Lets teens petite pads are smaller to suit smaller bodies so they’re perfect for younger girls. They are available in day, long and night for around the clock protection.
Tampons are a great alternative to pads, so lots of girls decide to switch to them once they’re more comfortable with their periods.
They are shorter and narrower for a smart fit and are suitable for a light to medium (regular) and medium to heavy (super) flow. Unlike other tampon brands that expand lengthways as they absorb, ours gently expand all the way round for a snug, more comfortable fit.
If you like our Lil-Lets teens day, long or night pads and feel ready to move on from the Lil-Lets teens range, why not give our Lil-Lets Drylock pads a go!
Lil-Lets Drylock ultra pads with wings have a special Drylock cover to keep you dry, fresh and comfortable, micro-gel beads that lock in fluid for all over absorption and stay put wings for perfect pant protection. They are available in normal length, long length and night length.
If you feel ready to move on from the Lil-Lets teens tampon range, why not try our Lil-Lets SmartFit™ tampons.
Whilst other tampons expand lengthways, Lil-Lets SmartFit™ tampons (that are applicator free) expand all the way round for great comfort, fit and protection and are perfect for when you’re active and on the move.
If you feel ready to move on from pads or the Lil-Lets teens tampon range, why not try our Lil-Lets SmartFit™ Applicator tampons.
Unlike most other tampons that expand lengthways, Lil-Lets SmartFit™ tampons work with a woman’s body by expanding all the way round for comfort and protection. To see how Lil-Lets SmartFit™ tampons works, take a look at this demo. To find out whether you’re ready to move on to tampons, click here
We'd love to hear your stories about how you've moved on (things like friendships, school, a particular style or music). Tell us your story in the comments section below.
OMG! There's always a lot of drama at school. I have a friend, I'm gonna call her ♧. So, ♧ and me have been friends for, I dunno, 3 or 4 years. But, now she has this other friend that I don't really like. I'm gonna call her ◇. So ♧ and ◇ do almost everything together. They play Roblox together, they talk about their group chats, and stuff like that. And here I am, standing behind the two of them like a ghost. I'm always left out. And, lately, ◇ said to ♧ that I was talking bad about ♧ with a friend of mine that ♧ doesn't like, I'll call her ♡. So, again, ◇ said to ♧ that I was talking bad about ♧ with ♡. And, BOY, was I TICKED! And, at school, we were writing a general knowledge, and our teacher said we could sit ANYWHERE we want. Well, ♧ was IGNORING me while I was like, '♧! Do you wanna sit next to me!?' Well, nope, she acted like I wasn't talking to her. I'm gonna be honest, she's NOT a real friend! I have RELIABLE AND GOOD friends I can hang out with, other than ♧. Hopefully all this DRAMA will cool down!!
Im just a girl
I was always very insecure and self consious about my butt being to big and people will make fun of me. I always felt really skinny with skimpy arms and sharp shouldres whenever i wore a tank top. Big butt and skinny arms DO NOT go well with eachother. But its nice to have a community who has the same thoughts and expreiencing the same thing as me.
So helpful
From my stubbornes
Thanks for these amazing tips and... YOUR HELP!
I love chickens
I used feel quite f@t all the time. I used to try and suck in my stomach to make myself feel skinnier bc I didn’t like how I looked. Then I kinda hit puberty (getting period + growing breasts) and obviously my body changed a lot. I moved on from feeling insecure and started to be a bit more confident. I got more athletic and now I’m part of the hockey team, running team and all sorts. I’m now very tall and quite slender (but healthy). I kinda realised that I shouldn’t worry about my body so much.
If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.
If Vicki can help you, she'll post an answer in the ‘Your questions answered’ page, so don't forget to keep checking it (and the best thing is nobody will ever know it was you that asked!)
I am the tallest of my friendship group but the last to get my period, we are all 14 do you think m...
what time of day do periods usually come at?
can periods sometime come before other things like breasts and hair down there?
vicki how many days for a period is normal, pls
Hi Vicki i think I have a sti will it go away by itself thanks Evan
I shave down there each week when I do under my arms but could you tell me what is a good cream to...
When you have a crush or a girlfriend at your teenage level and she is not with you what will be go...
how can I tell if I'm going to have another growth spurt? I'm 14 and I'm pretty short but I haven't...
Vicki I am so bloated right now and I am getting these little feeling like scratches in my Lower be...