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#askvicki , #bullying

Bullying is when someone or even a group of people intentionally offend or physically hurt someone. It can happen for no reason and if it has happened to you or someone close to you, you will already know it can really knock a person’s confidence leaving them feeling very sad and alone. It can happen both in and out of school and is occasionally so upsetting and distressful it can lead to other problems such as self-harming or eating disorders.

So how do you know if you are being bullied? Here are some guidelines as to what is unacceptable behaviour from others.

Physical bullying

  • Hitting, pushing or knocking you over
  • Locking you in or out of rooms/toilets
  • Forcing you to do things against your will
  • Taking things away from you
  • Damaging your property

Emotional bullying

  • Threatening behaviour
  • Getting you into trouble
  • Teasing or name calling to your face or about you to others
  • Sending nasty telephone calls, texts or e-mails again to you or to others about you
  • Isolating you from your friends leaving you feeling all alone

What can you do if you are being bullied?

One thing is for sure, bullying won’t stop by itself. Bullies are almost always looking for a reaction from you and the more they see how upset you are the more inclined they will be to continue with their bullying ways.

It could be that by simply ignoring them they will get bored and move on.

Most bullies are cowards and if you feel brave enough you may want to challenge them in front of others, asking them what their problem is. If they bully you, there is every chance they bully others too and if these people see you standing up for yourself they will be more inclined to join you in your fight to stop their behaviour.

Speak to an adult it could be a teacher or a member of your family, or if you find it hard to speak about what is happening, write them a little note.

There are lots of great websites you can visit for more advice such as Beat Bullying or Childline on 0800 1111. Just by speaking to someone you will be starting to take back control of your life.

What can you do if you know someone who is being bullied?

Let this person know they have your support, even if it’s just being there to listen when they feel upset.

With a group of friends let the bully know how unhappy you are with their treatment of this person.


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