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Tell us your first bra story


Buying your first bra is sometimes tricky. Not only do we feel awkward and nervous when talking about it with our parents, but then we have to choose a size and style from the huge variety available. A girl’s first bra is important, so you want to make sure you have all the facts. For tips and advice on fittings, breast development, talking about your first bra, and everything else; check out our real-life, first bra stories from teenage girls like you below.


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ive just decided i need my first bra, and i went today and got REAAAAAALLY awkward w my mum. i DO NOT want to get measured but i think ill have to eventually - although my muj says shell jusy measure me at home. i wouldnt mind a push uo bra because i think itd probably work a bit beter but im really scared to ask my. mum for a push up bra and also i want a thong. im 13 - am i too young? some of my friends have thongs. thanks.


Hey guys, My first bra story started with me in gr.5. One day, My chest started hurting a lot and I had asked my mom abt it, she said I needed a bra. A couple months later, I relised I was developing breast buds, they were very noticible. I continued to notice them, but I tried to pretend they weren't there. I kept wearing my clothes without the bra. My buds kept poking through and i finally decided to wear the bra. i am not rllly clos to my mom keep in mind. When I wore them, my little sister kept making fun of me, and my classmates did to. I decided to drop the bra for a while, I decided to let my puffy nipples keep poiking through. Now I am 14 I am wearing a bra everyday, I still care abt what others think, but hopefull someone can relate!!

flat girl

hey so i like to go to victorias secret with my friends even though im not super developed. i am 13 1/2 and have a little more than a bud. i have bought the wireless bras before but i want to try a push up underwire bra. i have heard that this can stunt your growth is this true?


Hey "Flat Girl" I just read your post and I want to tell you. not to despair! I'm almost 14 now and I wear regular 32B bras. But I was like you for the longest time. I started getting buds when I was about 9, mostly just puffy nips and not much else. When I was 10 and going into fifth grade, even though my buds still hadn't grown hardly at all, I wanted a bra. because other girls in my class including my best friend were all starting to wear bras.. I asked my mom and she agreed I could get one.. She measured me and we went online and she got me 3 training bras, the kind with the stretchy elastic cups, size30 AA. My mom said she started with a that style of training bra when she was about 10 and at the time, as flat as me. She said they were called 'grow bras' because even though the cups were flat,because they were made of stretchy elastic they would fit my buds then and would stretch to grow with me. as I got got bigger. The problem was they didn't get bigger for the longest time. But at least I had a bra. All through grade 6 when was 11 I was still wearing 30aa 'grow bras'. Finally, almost over night, in the summer between grade 6 and 7 my buds suddenly, finally started to grow! When I started grade 7 at the end of the summer I was now finally wearing actual 32A cup bras! I just started grade 8 now and I've outgrown the 32A bras and and I need the regular 32B bras that I'm wearing now! Like me, you will probably be really surprised at how quick it can happen!. So don't worry, they will grow beyond just the bud stage and when they do start growing it could happen veryquickly and you could go from flat to having real actual boobs in a matter of weeks! XXXOOO


So my I got my first bra when I was 11 but before that (since I was about 9) I had these crop top things. So one day during the summer my mum said “I think it’s time for your first bra” and to be honest I was really excited. Then she made me take my top off so I was just in my undershirt thing and started to measure me. BUT THEN MY GRANDAD WALKED IN AS MY MUM WAS MEASURING ME FOR MY FIRST BRA AND I WAS JUST IN A CROP TOP! So ye that is my first bra story…

flat girl

hi so i started to notice i was developing breast buds over a year ago, and i feel like they are still the same size. is this normal and when will they get bigger?

shark lover

my first bra was when i was ten and it was just a crop top thing. i really wanted a padded bra but they were all a bit big 4 me. now i almost always use one! (size 30 a!)


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