Let’s Talk… Social
#instagram, #letstalk, #social
With the start of our AMAZING new Let’s Talk videos (which began with Dani King), Here at Lil-Lets Becoming a teen, we have some brilliant news about new social channels that we will be posting on this coming year.
Lots of girls have asked that we need to go on Instagram and guess what… we have!
Follow us at becomingateenuk for the official Lil-Lets Becoming a teen Instagram with all you need to know about growing up and the home of Ask Vicki! The channel is in its very very early days but if you follow us, you will keep up to date with all the new videos we will be posting and some cheeky added extras from Let’s Talk and Becoming a Teen.
We also have a Facebook page which you can like at Becomingateen.
And a Tumblr page Lil-LetsBecomingateen where you can follow all our social content in one place.
If you have some ideas of what we should put on our Instagram or even on our other social channels, we’d love to hear about it in the comments below.