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Things to know
about discharge:

#discharge, #puberty

  • Around puberty, your body may start releasing a fluid called discharge too.
  • This is a clear or creamy yellow fluid that's produced by glands at the entrance to your womb along with normal secretions naturally found on the walls of your vagina.
  • Generally you may start to notice discharge about 6 - 12 months before your first period.
  • Once you've had your period, you may still keep producing discharge regularly.
  • It's perfectly normal and is your body’s way of keeping your vagina clean and free from infection.
  • It's colour, texture and the amount you produce changes during the month. You'll find in the middle of your cycle, as your ovaries release an egg, the amount increases. At this time, it's normally clear in colour and runny.
  • A week before your period, it might start to look thicker and darker. This is totally normal and part of your monthly cycle. Did you know no more than a teaspoon full of discharge is made in any one day?
  • You might find it leaves you feeling uncomfortable. Try wearing a liner on a daily basis to help protect your underwear and stop you feeling damp. Lil-Lets Teens liners are designed to be smaller and come in re-sealable pouches to make it easy to keep them in your bag.
  • Discharge can also be your body's way of letting you know you've got an infection. Healthy discharge won't have a strong smell or colour. If it changes smell or its consistency (looks a little bit like cottage cheese) or you feel irritation, burning, or discomfort, then you might have an infection. Best to get it checked by your doctor so it can be quickly treated.


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Girls rule the world ??

I hate discharge so annoying but I'm 10 when will I get my period 😂🤣🤣🤣

shark lover

i have had discharge for nearly a year. soooooo anoying

to girly from shark lover

it is probebly disscharge but there is nothing to worry about. i have been having disscharge for a long time and i find liners realy good. i like to use natracare ones but i am sure lillets have some good ones

Christmas lover Sarah

Had this for so long now I finally fully understand what discharge is


My discharge is sometimes clear and sometime gooey and white she I be scared


I have this white gloo in my nickers but I’m not sure if it is cum from after masturbating or discharge can anyone help me?


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