Our Advice Blog


The Becoming a Teen Key to Happiness

#askvicki , #Happiness

  • 1. Listen and learn from as many people as possible, they will each be experts in different ways.
  • 2. At least twice a day, think about your appearance; brush your hair, wash your hands, remove any make-up and don’t forget to brush your teeth.
  • 3. Worry less about gender and sexuality; be yourself, love yourself and don’t let other people’s judgement change who you are.
  • 4. You don’t have to be good at everything!
  • 5. Wearing heels to the local burger bar is acceptable, as are smart jeans to a big social event. Dress how you want regardless of the occasion.
  • 6. And on the subject of shoes, you are never too tall to slip into heels.
  • 7. Chase your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you that they are hopeless and will never come true.
  • 8. It’s OK to make mistakes we can’t always get it right first time in life.
  • 9. There is no age limit for watching cartoons or Disney movies.
  • 10. The number of people you date is not important or a reflection of who you are.
  • 11. Come to think of it, the number you see when you jump on the scales is not a reflection of you either!
  • 12. There is nothing wrong with waiting for love to arrive.
  • 13. Your heart may be broken, but it does not mean it cannot be repaired.
  • 14. People will let you down from time to time, don’t let it ruin your relationship with them.
  • 15. Don’t exercise to lose weight, exercise to be healthy and feel great.
  • 16. A little of what you fancy is not a bad thing, so don’t overthink having that second slice of pizza from time to time.
  • 17. It’s ok to NOT know what career you want to pursue.
  • 18. You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy.
  • 19. Books are not just for kids…reading can take you to the most magical of places.
  • 20. Don’t wait for others to organise your life.
  • 21. Laughter is good for you.
  • 22. Stop worrying about what you don’t have and be grateful for what you do have.
  • 23. Liking Geography, History and Science can be cool and doesn’t make you a geek!
  • 24. Make happiness your number one goal, do something that makes you smile at least once a day.
  • 25. Learn to like yourself, tell yourself how great you are from time to time.

Do you have any tips you can share for a happier life?

For more tips on a happier life, check these out!


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