Our Advice Blog

First Period Stories:
Tell Us Yours


We’d love to hear all about your first period stories to help other girls who have started or are just about to start their period. Tell us your story today in the comments section below.

Whether you are the first or the last one in your friendship group to start their period, there will be another girl who has been in the same situation as you. Share your period story today and provide others with an understanding of how you came to terms with your first period.

This is vicky’s story

I was the last of my friendship group to get my period. I was 14, woke-up and went to the loo one morning, only to find my first period had arrived. Luckily my nan left me some pads in my room and I had learned all I needed to know about periods from my friends. It did take me a while to get used to wearing a pad as they felt so bulky. I thought everyone would see it through my clothes, or if a boy pinched my bottom he would feel it. So I quickly moved on to tampons.


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I got my period on Saturday (which I guess is kinda good) and the day b4 I went to Boots to buy panty liners cos ive been having discharge for about a year or so. (Back to Saturday) I woke up and I decided to get a panty liner on cos they r comfortable for discharge when i noticed these dark red (like maroon - ish) stains of blood. So i told my mum and she gave me the stuff and showed me how to do it even though i already knew how. Also, starting with pads is probably easier for most people (but like that is what i did).


I haven’t got mine yet!


I’m 15 and i’m kinda freaked out that i STILL don’t have my period. I keep seeing people say how they got it at 10 or how they were a ‘late bloomed’ and got it at 13. Im a healthy weight and started puberty at 10. I’ve always had small boobs and still do now bc im a 30B. I feel like such a baby and get teased by my friends! I’ve been told ‘oh well u are SO flat chested’ and ‘that’s like really bad id be concerned if i were u’. Like yeah im worried and im really scared for when it will eventually come bc leaking at 15 would be really embarrassing. I say this because all my friends would be used to periods and i wouldn’t. PLEASE can anyone who ACTUALLY gor their period really late respond bc i am worried and do feel like im weird!!!!


When I first started my period I was the first of my friend group also thought it would hurt. But I didn't experience any pain or anything just the blood. Also luckily for me I was prepared I learned from typing it in the Internet and I was prepared I luckily had pads in my bag in case the pads felt luke a diaper but I adjusted to them quickly. And yeah from then on my periods only lasted 2-3 days no cramps pain-free and are regular.


i got my first period when i was 11 and i definitely wasn’t expecting it. it was a school morning and i went to the bathroom. luckily my mum kept period products around the house so i used them for a couple days before my mum told me to track my periods on the health app on iphone. pads are super bulky and they scrunch up and leak so i want to use tampons instead

Responding to Girl | From Sira<3

I say you keep pads/tampons in every bag you own, or just make a little period kit including the following: Pads/tampons, painkillers, dark chocolate (apparently it helps with cramps but idk) and some money for a vending machine with period products. Either way be prepared!! Love y’all <33

to skilar

me! from shark lover


If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.


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(and the best thing is nobody will ever know it was you that asked!)