Our Advice Blog


I haven’t started
my period yet


Don’t worry. The average age for a girl to start her period is 13. But in reality, it is common for girls to start anywhere between the ages of 8 and 18.
As there’s no way of predicting when it'll start, it’s a good idea to keep some pads in your bag when you’re out and about. Lil-Lets Teens day pads are nice and slim and come in discreet packaging so no one will know you've got any in your bag.

what happens
when it
does arrive?


When it does arrive for the first time, for some girls they notice either a tiny bit of blood in their underwear or on some toilet paper. Although it may be an awkward conversation, you need to have the chat with your nearest and dearest (like your mum or sister) so they make sure you have products for this period and the next one.


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Guys I have had brown discharge for 3 days last month and this month. I soon found out that it was my period and told my mum she said it wasn’t. So I then brought it up again as it got more clear that it was my period and she still doesn’t think I have started my period so what do I dooo.

To girl321/JUJU

If you don’t want to tell your dad maybe find a trusted adult or friend to tell and help you get your supplies. I feel so sorry for you, I teared up reading your comment Bea cause I know how it feels, my mum nearly died and now I know how hard it is to live without her. She is fine now though. How long has it been since she left?

To shark lover

Well…. I feel exactly like you! I have had discharge for over a year and I have had brown discharge I am 12 how old are you? Froze sassieee

sharklover44 r

and it still hasent. wate was that it!!........no.

sharklover44 r

it STILL hasent come

sharklover44 r

i really want my period. i think its comming soon since its nearly a year since i started to get discharge, cant wate. update u later


If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.


If Vicki can help you, she'll post an answer in the ‘Your questions answered’ page, so don't forget to keep checking it
(and the best thing is nobody will ever know it was you that asked!)