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10 things it’s OK to do in the Summer holidays!

#bff, #summer

How many of us start our summer break feeling positive and full of ideas of how we are going to get fit, learn a new skill, see friends every day, rock up to festivals...the list is endless.

By the second week you may already feel bored, with all your plans now just a distant memory.

But don’t feel too disheartened, relaxing and taking some time out to re-charge your batteries is fine too! Here is our top ten list of things it’s ok to do this Summer.

10 things it OK to do during Summer Break.

  • It’s ok…to read 3 or 4 books back to back and not another one for the rest of the year.
  • To have a stationary binge, throwing out all your old stuff to make way for the new.
  • To let the phone ring…and then text your friend asking what they wanted.
  • To have a clear out of social media friends you’ve not heard from in ages.
  • To stay in your PJ’s or Onesies all day a couple of times a week.
  • To wear a hat when on holiday and look très chic.
  • To watch a movie on repeat and proudly recite every line to family and friends.
  • Learn a few words of a foreign language and use them when on holiday – super sophisticated, even if it’s just ordering a coke from the waiter.
  • Become a master of a computer game.
  • It’s absolutely OK…to do nothing at all…and simply chillax!

How do you chill during the summer break, we’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions?

See Also

Summer Book Review Decorating Your Bedroom


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shark lover

i do the hat one.


I have a younger sister so my ‘Nothing’ days, aren’t really only nothing, but I love staying in my pyjamas, watching tv, sitting in the sun. I find it relaxing to sit in front of the AC and read a book, then see how my hair looks when I’m done (always funny). I live in the UK, so the sun isn’t always shining, but reading is another favourite. My current summer reading record is 38 books, and I plan on beating it this year. I have a cat, and she lives for the sun too, so I often bask in the sunny spots with her. Calling my friends means I can have a laugh, and not be completely cut if from the world too :)


i am sooooo excited for summer. i used to really like the cold but now i just want it to be hot!


That's awesome Strawberry 3!!! We need to get out and see our friends and family. We've been locked up for too long! Let summer and its fun begin!!!!

Strawberry 3

Omg I can't wait for summer!!! I get bored easily though so i like to have loads to do. Summer was spoilt by covid last year so this year I am finally going paddle boarding and meeting up with my friends every week no jokes!!!!!

Summer break

Tip for relaxing on summer break: go to the beach and dip your feet in the sea an feel the sand between your toes. I love it


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