Our Advice Blog


When is the right time
to use a tampon?

#askvicki , #firsttampon, #tampons

When your first period arrives it’s most likely you will use pads. Then, as you get older your thoughts may turn to tampons; especially in the summer months when we are more active, in the pool or want to wear the latest summer fashions. Now, some girls are quite happy to use tampons for their very first period and never feel the need to use a pad. But for most, the perfect time to switch to tampons is when you are more familiar with your monthly cycle and period flow.

Why tampons?

  • They're perfect if you love being active and going swimming.
  • They’re so small you can hold one in our hand or put it in your pocket when you need to visit the loo.
  • Because tampons are worn inside your body you are less likely to experience odour.
  • No matter how heavy your period flow is, there’s a tampon that'll be right for you.

What are tampons?

Tampons are made from a cotton like material that is compressed into a small cylinder shape that is worn inside your vagina to absorb menstrual fluid. There are two different types of tampon, known as applicator and non-applicator types. This gives you a choice about how you insert them.


We're all different and that's true about your period too and if you feel ready to move on from the our teens pad range, you may find our core range of  tampons are a good choice. they come in six absorbencies to suit even the heaviest of flows and we even have reusable applicator if you prefer this format.


Remember that just like anything new, using tampons can take a little practice and it’s perfectly ok to feel a little anxious about using them, so why not have a chat to your mum or friends and see what they think!


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I'm 9 and a half I don't now when my period will be I am excited is that normal and when will I have my period

to niki

yes u can go to the bathroom with a tampon in u. from the ever helpfull shark lover

To Spartankitty From Girly!

Hi! I started my periods at 12 I am now 13. I started using tampons after my 3rd period, I use the lil lets teen applicator tampons. I have found them so easy to use, pop them in and change in 3-4 hours. It has been so much better for PE when I want to wear shorts and swimming. I asked my mum if I could start using tampons she said yes and explained and showed me how to put them in. If you have any questions just ask!


This really helped me. My first period wasn't exactly hectic, as I was luckily at home. My mum showed me how to handle it, and it was late at night so we couldn't go out and get pads (my mum's more of an online buyer anyway) She made me feel comfortable but I've always had a wonder in my head 'When is it right to use a tampon?' And my mum's not got much of an experience with tampons so I was a bit baffled. Also, I started my period when I was ten and I have had it for 1 year now. So I'm wondering. Any of you girls out there that can help?

To Unknown123, From Sira

Try watching some tutorials and reading some articles. My best guess is that you haven't pushed it high enough. Keep pushing it until you can't feel it. You shouldn't worry bc it can't get stuck up there. My other guess is that you're using the wrong absorbancy. If you're using tampons that are higher than regular or are for adults, try changing a little. Try different brands and light or regular absorbance as the smaller size may help. Never feel downhearted that you can't use them!! I also suggest trying the applicator kind as they assist more in inserting them! Hope this helps you and anyone else reading this! Luv yall!! xx


when i use a tampon, it is very uncomfortable and makes me feel like i cant sit down, and when i do sit down, it feels very very awkward and unpleasant. i dont know if it isnt in properly but i’ve tried to push it in further and it doesnt help, maybe i just should stop using them. help me?


I have a qustion can I pee when I have a tampon in me


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